
Sister Seekers Newsletter

Receive introspective prompts, self-care practices, and a curated list of our favorite recommendations from podcasts to articles every Wednesday morning.

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What Do You Really Want?

Welcome to your weekly inspiration, recommendations, and encouraging insights from your fellow sister seekers. A Note From Your Sister Seekers Hey, seekers! My husband was gone last weekend so I had the house to myself. I soaked up my alone time and watched A LOT of shows. I linked all the ones I enjoyed below :) I don't have much to share with you about my life right now. It's been pretty steady and boring. But, I'm not complaining. I've come to appreciate "boring" because I know it doesn't...

Welcome to your weekly inspiration, recommendations, and encouraging insights from your fellow sister seekers. A Note From Your Sister Seekers Good morning and sending you some wonderful Big Libra energy! We celebrated our 38th birthday this past weekend with our little sister, husbands, and a few girlfriends. We made diamond art bookmarks, ate chili and snacks, got our tarot cards read, listened to our birthday playlist, and laughed lots. It felt silly and fun and reminded me that even...

Welcome to your weekly inspiration, recommendations, and encouraging insights from your fellow sister seekers. A Note From Your Sister Seekers Hey, seekers! I saw a post on LinkedIn this week that has been on my mind a lot. A woman wrote about how she just got back from spending a week on a yacht off the coast of some faraway island. She said it was her dream vacation and that she has helped all of her employees research their dreams and found that most of them cost on average between 3k-10k....

Welcome to your weekly inspiration, recommendations, and encouraging insights from your fellow sister seekers. A Note From Your Sister Seekers Happy Wednesday morning and officially happy fall! I hope your week has begun on a good note and that the cooler fall weather is starting to hit where you are too. The end of September marks one year since selling our small gym and it had me reflecting on the meaning of fitness in my life. I was drawn to fitness from a young age. I wasn’t an athlete...

Welcome to your weekly inspiration, recommendations, and encouraging insights from your fellow sister seekers. A Note From Your Sister Seekers Hey, seekers! I wish I had words of wisdom for you today, but I'm mentally drained. This new job is kicking my ass and I'm currently battling a low-grade headache that has lingered the past couple days. I do want to say thank you to those that emailed last week in response to Kelly's note! It's so fun to get emails in response to this newsletter. It...

Welcome to your weekly inspiration, recommendations, and encouraging insights from your fellow sister seekers. A Note From Your Sister Seekers We had a wonderful dose of fall weather this past weekend but it seems the summer temperatures are here to stay for awhile. A quote that I love from Virginia Woolf is, "Autumn is my season, dear; it is, after all, the season of the soul." And despite the warmer weather, the days are noticeably shorter and the collective energy has shifted. I've grown...