October's Spectrum of Emotions

Welcome to your weekly inspiration, recommendations, and encouraging insights from your fellow sister seekers.

A Note From Your Sister Seekers

Good morning and sending you some wonderful Big Libra energy!

We celebrated our 38th birthday this past weekend with our little sister, husbands, and a few girlfriends. We made diamond art bookmarks, ate chili and snacks, got our tarot cards read, listened to our birthday playlist, and laughed lots. It felt silly and fun and reminded me that even though we aren't kids anymore that doesn't mean we can't have fun just like them. Pretty much everything I loved doing as a kid still rings true today and it's not often enough I get to do those things (dreaming of a roller skating 40th birthday party already).

My life doesn't look anything like I imagined it would when I was younger. I remember thinking that people in their 30's were so old and that of course by the time I'm that age, I too will have the perfect house, job, marriage, and certainly have it all sorted out. And of course by the time you get to be this age you realize that no one has any clue what the hell they are doing and everyone struggles.

October is a month of celebration (our birthday and my husband's birthday), a time of beginnings (happy birthday to this newsletter and podcast and Tom and I opened our gym October 2018), and a time of grief and endings (selling the gym October 2023 and dad passing away 5 years ago this month). I always feel a bit emotionally unstable during this time as it brings up so many layers of happiness, love, grief, and loss.

My birthday wish to myself and for all of us really, is to let go of the picture we had in our minds about where we thought we would "be" at this age and instead erase the slate all together. We are alive which means our time isn't up yet here on earth school. We can change direction, try something we've always wanted to try, or inch out of that comfort zone because it's all temporary. There is no "right" or "wrong" decision. It just is.

The "sister seekers" began because we wanted to be intentional about following our curiosity and wonder. I realize this quest may cause me to be "divinely discontented" (shout-out to my friend Deborah for sharing this term with me) so there must be stops along the way to look around, notice the beauty, and laugh at the absurdity of it all.

I am thankful to October's beginnings and endings as it reminds me of the full gamut of emotions we all experience here and just how impossible and yet wonderful it is.

Until next time,


This Week on the Podcast

Episode 30: Kelly's Reflections 1 Year After Selling the Gym

Kelly speaks to the changes she's noticed in herself this year and what she'd tell herself this time, last year.

Listen on Spotify or Apple and make sure you subscribe so you never miss an episode!

What is Life?

Something to ponder

"Indeed, the willingness to be confused, I now realize, is a prerequisite for a good life. Wanting things to be simple can become a kind of prison, it really can, because you end up staying trapped inside how you want things to be rather than embracing how they could be. You end up closed. You end up shutting doors to so many possibilities." -- excerpt from Matt Haig's book "The Life Impossible"

Matt's writing always gives me pause. This one in particular had me underlining and dog-earing this page. I feel as though I strive for simplicity in my life but never thought that in doing so, it would end up closing me off to wonder and possibility.

Weekly Recs

All the stuff we're loving lately


Chef's Table: Noodles (Netflix) - I have been a fan of Chef's Table and was excited to see these new episodes drop. It's a pure delight. Hearing the chefs tell their stories is inspiring and also bearing witness to someone living out their true purpose here is a gift. And the food, wow. You'll want a bowl of pesto pasta while you watch the first episode!


The Best Classic Shepherd's Pie - The best comfort food for a chilly evening. This is one of my top favorites once fall hits!


Secrets to a Joyful Life with Ina Garten - I loved this podcast episode so much! It was full of good life advice and things to ponder. She seems so fearless and I felt really inspired listening to her story.

Dr. Mary Claire Haver on the New Menopause - I love Brene Brown's conversations and this one was no exception. Thank god we have some research around menopause now so we don't have to suffer as much as our moms and grandmothers. Also, eat your protein and lift weights, ladies!


Why I Cut Off All My Hair by Elizabeth Gilbert - Fuck yes! I love her so much and want to be just like her when I grow up. I've seen my mom with a shaved head on numerous occasions but it's always been in response to cancer and chemo (she looks great with a bald head btw!). I loved how Elizabeth embraced this look not only to simplify her life but to empower herself.

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Until next time!

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Welcome to your weekly inspiration, recommendations, and encouraging insights from your fellow sister seekers. A Note From Your Sister Seekers Hey, seekers! My husband was gone last weekend so I had the house to myself. I soaked up my alone time and watched A LOT of shows. I linked all the ones I enjoyed below :) I don't have much to share with you about my life right now. It's been pretty steady and boring. But, I'm not complaining. I've come to appreciate "boring" because I know it doesn't...

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Welcome to your weekly inspiration, recommendations, and encouraging insights from your fellow sister seekers. A Note From Your Sister Seekers Happy Wednesday morning and officially happy fall! I hope your week has begun on a good note and that the cooler fall weather is starting to hit where you are too. The end of September marks one year since selling our small gym and it had me reflecting on the meaning of fitness in my life. I was drawn to fitness from a young age. I wasn’t an athlete...