What to do When You Don't Want to Workout

Welcome to your weekly inspiration, recommendations, and encouraging insights from your fellow sister seekers.

A Note From Your Sister Seekers

Happy Wednesday morning and officially happy fall! I hope your week has begun on a good note and that the cooler fall weather is starting to hit where you are too. The end of September marks one year since selling our small gym and it had me reflecting on the meaning of fitness in my life.

I was drawn to fitness from a young age. I wasn’t an athlete but I loved how I felt after going on a run or finishing a weight training session. Movement eased the anxiety running through my veins and it would allow me to get into a quieter and calmer headspace. There still isn’t anything else I have found besides movement that can change my perspective and allow me to see that the world isn’t as bad as previously thought.

I have also found that I don’t allow negative self-talk to creep into my mind during particularly grueling workouts. I only coach myself exactly how I’ve coached hundreds of clients in the past 10+ years. Sometimes it’s a mantra (“Smooth and steady”) or a reminder of reps (“Only 5 reps, you got this”) or a simple positive comment (“You’re doing great”). If I can practice positive self-talk while my lungs are burning and my heart rate is jacked, I can also practice it when I’m struggling in my day to day.

Workouts are a wonderful metaphor. How I show up for a workout is how I show up for life. If I can show up and do the best I can with what I’ve got that day; it’s a win. They allow me to push myself out of my comfort zone, test my limits, and prove to myself I honor the commitments I make. For lack of a better saying, I can do hard things.

This week on the podcast we share how we’ve been able to stay consistent with exercise for over a decade. It’s a brief one (we promise!) and we hope it illustrates that it’s not about what kind of workout you do or how long you do it for that matters. What matters is doing the hardest part in life, continuing to show up.

Until next time,


This Week on the Podcast

Episode 29: What to do When You Don't Want to Workout

We give you several options and workout formats to get you through those days when you really don't want to workout.

Listen on Spotify or Apple and make sure you subscribe so you never miss an episode!

What is Life?

Something to ponder

"What you do can remake who you are--and it's a revelation that turns previous ideas about human personality on their heads."--Brian R. Little, Psychologist

This excerpt was explaining that our personalities are not fixed or exclusively determined by nature or nurture, they can change as a result of action.

What do your actions say about the type of person you are? What action can you take today that will support the type of person you want to be?

Weekly Recs

All the stuff we're loving lately


My Old Ass - My husband sent me the trailer to this movie and I definitely want to watch it when it comes out on some streaming platform. It looks like it's only in theaters right now, so if you go, let us know what you think!

Nobody Wants This - Another rec I haven't actually seen yet but I'm super excited to watch this weekend! It's a rom com series with Kristen Bell and Adam Brody who look adorable together. Watch the trailer, it looks so cute.


Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bars - It's pumpkin (almost?) season and these brownies are gooey and delicious and perfect with a scoop of your favorite ice cream!

Butternut Squash Couscous Bowls with Maple Vinaigrette - Fall in a bowl! An easy weeknight dinner to pair with your favorite protein.


Our Heavenly Alliance with Samantha Fey (On a Psychic's Story Podcast) - This conversation served as a wonderful reminder for me at this time in my life. We are never alone and we can always ask for guidance, support, and signs from our guides and angels. I really enjoyed the guest's perspective and even pre-ordered her book due out in October!

Armchair Expert: Kristen Bell and Adam Brody - These two talk about their new rom com Netflix series that comes out tomorrow plus a bunch of other life stuff that was just fun to listen to. If you want a light and fun listen, this will satisfy it.

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Until next time!

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Welcome to your weekly inspiration, recommendations, and encouraging insights from your fellow sister seekers. A Note From Your Sister Seekers Hey, seekers! My husband was gone last weekend so I had the house to myself. I soaked up my alone time and watched A LOT of shows. I linked all the ones I enjoyed below :) I don't have much to share with you about my life right now. It's been pretty steady and boring. But, I'm not complaining. I've come to appreciate "boring" because I know it doesn't...

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