How Much Does Your Dream Actually Cost?

Welcome to your weekly inspiration, recommendations, and encouraging insights from your fellow sister seekers.

A Note From Your Sister Seekers

Hey, seekers!

I saw a post on LinkedIn this week that has been on my mind a lot. A woman wrote about how she just got back from spending a week on a yacht off the coast of some faraway island. She said it was her dream vacation and that she has helped all of her employees research their dreams and found that most of them cost on average between 3k-10k. I'm not saying that isn't a chunk of change, but it's doable.

She said the most expensive trip she helped someone research was 25k and that was to take three generations on an all inclusive trip to Disney World and then on a Disney cruise.

Her point was, our dreams don't actually cost as much as we think they do and we should stop saying "someday" and actually research them and put a plan in action.

It made me ask myself what my dream vacation would be. I thought about how I'd love to rent a villa in Italy for a whole month and tell friends and family to come visit at any point if they can/want to. How cool would that be?! So, I got on AirBnB and looked at how much that would actually cost. Turns out, it's actually less than 8k to rent a nice villa for a whole month. That's way more doable than I thought.

In fact, I could probably make that a reality within the next year or two. What's your dream vacation? Have you looked into what it actually costs? Look into it this week. Then, make a plan. Don't wait around for "someday."

Until next time,


What is Life?

Something to ponder

"You think you’re an introvert because you like being alone. But in reality you just love being at peace. And you’re actually extroverted around people who bring you peace.” — Zachary Laid

I'm still thinking about this quote. I don't agree with it completely. I love being alone, and I am definitely more extroverted around those who bring me peace. It's both.

How about you?

Weekly Recs

All the stuff we're loving lately


Will & Harper (Netflix) - This documentary follows Will Ferrell and his good friend, Harper, who comes out as a trans woman. They take a road trip to bond and reintroduce Harper to the country as her true self. I loved this story so much. It was so vulnerable and witnessing the love they have for each other was so heartwarming and beautiful.

Wolfs (Apple+) - Ok, this movie is a stark contrast to the documentary linked above. It stars Brad Pitt and George Clooney and takes place over one insane night. It's entertaining, completely unbelievable, and is something you can throw on if you need a reprieve from some of the world's heaviness.


Slow Cooker Turkey Chili - It's chili season (or will be when the temps get below 70) and this one is good, easy, and makes plenty. There's nothing better than throwing some ingredients in a pot and having dinner ready in 6 hours.

Healthy Pumpkin Muffins - A wonderful seasonal snack or perfect pairing with your morning cup of coffee or tea.


Revolutionary Trauma EXPERT, Dr. Peter A Levine, Reveals Secrets to Health & Human Connection - A good friend sent this over to us last week. This conversation is the epitome of the intersection of science and spirituality. I found it fascinating.


50 Questions You Can Ask Friends and Relatives in Political Arguments - I loved these questions!

99 Ways To Slow Down For Fall - I loved reading through all of these and especially liked the ideas for "reflect, imagine, plan."

Can Underconsumption Be Aspirational? - Read this before you buy whatever you think you need to buy :)

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Until next time!

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