The Season of the Soul

Welcome to your weekly inspiration, recommendations, and encouraging insights from your fellow sister seekers.

A Note From Your Sister Seekers

We had a wonderful dose of fall weather this past weekend but it seems the summer temperatures are here to stay for awhile. A quote that I love from Virginia Woolf is, "Autumn is my season, dear; it is, after all, the season of the soul." And despite the warmer weather, the days are noticeably shorter and the collective energy has shifted.

I've grown deeply restless in my days as I work at the grocery store four days of the week and required to ask the same inane questions to every. single. customer. I think it actually changes the synapses in my brain, or rather, prevents them from firing at all. By the time hour four comes around, I am no longer human. My essence, vitality, and/or soul has died and I've been resurrected as a robot. Capitalism has won. I am fully drained of any original thought and complete my bike home in a complete daze.

Am I being melodramatic? Perhaps. But I am struggling to find meaning in my life right now. I'm working a job that does not require an actual living being to complete (hello self check-outs). There is no challenge and yet it fries me so much that when I come home, the only thing I can muster to do is unroll my yoga mat out on the porch and lay down in corpse pose (which is coincidentally how I feel).

Virginia Woolf may have really been on to something when she wrote that fall is the season of the soul. Fall brings cool and crisp air, less light and more darkness, and inspires more time in our inner worlds. I've been in a bit of a funk with trying to figure out what work can look like when pivoting out of an industry I've been in for 13 years and even though I can have a sense of humor about it; it's not been easy. I've wished that this season of transition and discomfort would be over by now but I'm still very much in it.

At least fall is a beautiful time of year to be lost.

Until next time,


This Week on the Podcast

Episode 28: How to Use Values to Guide Your Decisions

We chat about our values and how we use them to make every day decisions like how we spend our time and money. If you're stuck in the middle of a decision, we give you a framework to guide you to your answer.

Listen on Spotify or Apple and make sure you subscribe so you never miss an episode!

What is Life?

Something to ponder

"It's easy to assume that getting rich in money will also mean you are rich in time, but it is often the case that when you earn more money, you end up with less time and more responsibilities.
Being rich is nice, but what you really want to optimize for is (1) an income that exceeds your spending by a healthy margin and (2) a lifestyle that is free from rushing." --James Clear via his 3-2-1 newsletter

I love his concise thoughts and wanted to share this tidbit as it could be considered an antidote to our capitalist society.

Weekly Recs

All the stuff we're loving lately


The Perfect Couple (Netflix) - This is based on Elin Hilderbrand's novel by the same name. The story follows Amelia Sacks (Eve Hewson), a bride marrying into one of Nantucket’s wealthiest families. The groom’s mother, Greer Garrison Winbury (Nicole Kidman), a famous novelist, spares no expense on the high-society wedding. But, when a dead body appears on the beach, everyone’s a suspect. This cast is amazing and it hooked me from the beginning. Such a fun watch full of secrets.

Inside Jennifer Garner’s Farm-Style L.A. Home - This Architectural Digest peek into Jennifer's home is so relaxing to watch. Her home is so cozy and I love all the reading nooks! I could go down a rabbit hole watching these AD videos of celebrity's homes.


Healthy Apple Cake - I haven't baked this one up yet and I can't wait to once I restock my apple supply. I love a simple cake that is versatile for breakfast, a snack, or dessert.

Honeycrisp Salad with Crispy Sage and Maple Vinaigrette - One of my favorite fall salads to throw together as a side for dinner. You won't want to bother with the crispy sage but trust me, it's worth it.


Everyone Is Numbing Out by Catherine Shannon - I've been wanting to share this with everyone I know in order to discuss it. One of my favorite takeaways, "We should take responsibility for our beliefs, but be prepared to calmly and rationally explain them. Criticize the world all you want, but do the hard work of building something better to take its place." Catherine shares how having values and goals is one possible antidote to becoming cynical, detached, and apathetic. This piece really spoke to me at this point in my life. What did you think? Simply reply to this email to let us know!

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Until next time!

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Welcome to your weekly inspiration, recommendations, and encouraging insights from your fellow sister seekers. A Note From Your Sister Seekers Hey, seekers! My husband was gone last weekend so I had the house to myself. I soaked up my alone time and watched A LOT of shows. I linked all the ones I enjoyed below :) I don't have much to share with you about my life right now. It's been pretty steady and boring. But, I'm not complaining. I've come to appreciate "boring" because I know it doesn't...

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