If You're Tired, Take a Nap

Welcome to your weekly inspiration, recommendations, and encouraging insights from your fellow sister seekers.

A Note From Your Sister Seekers

Hey, seekers!

I wish I had words of wisdom for you today, but I'm mentally drained. This new job is kicking my ass and I'm currently battling a low-grade headache that has lingered the past couple days.

I do want to say thank you to those that emailed last week in response to Kelly's note! It's so fun to get emails in response to this newsletter. It makes our day hearing from you, so thank you for taking the time to send a thoughtful and kind email.

I hope you take some time to create pockets of joy for yourself this week. And, if you're just tired, take a nap. It's the best piece of advice I can give you. My world seems way more manageable after a nap.

Sending love to you all!

Until next time,


What is Life?

Something to ponder

You can't force joy. You can only create the conditions to let it come in and take you. - Valarie Kaur

This quote has stuck in my head since I heard it on a podcast this past week (linked below!). Creating the conditions to let joy in for me means reading before bed, taking walks, listening to podcast conversations with really funny people, making weekend plans I look forward to, sneaking in naps whenever I can, and baked goods.

What do you do to create the conditions to let joy in?

Weekly Recs

All the stuff we're loving lately


Emily in Paris (Season 4 Part 2) - I binged this Saturday morning and loved every second of it. It's just so delightful to the eyes. Everything is beautiful from the scenery, to the clothes, to the food. Just dreamy.


Chocolate Chip Tahini Mug Cake - I'm pretty sure we've linked this before, but it's worth mentioning again. This is my go-to dessert when I'm lazy and need something quick (which is a lot of the time). If you add ice cream on top, it takes it over the edge.


Valarie Kaur on Sage Warrior: Wake to Oneness, Practice Pleasure, Choose Courage, Become Victory - Wow! This episode on Unlocking Us with Brene Brown was powerful. So many great quotes came from this one.

Glennon: Learning to Love Without Control - This was a great listen too! If you can get past Abby sniffling into the mic (!!), there are some excellent nuggets in this episode. It's interesting how we all learn to love at different stages of our lives. Glennon mentions a quote she sees while at an ALANON meeting that I loved. It said "Don't fight it. Don't fix it. Don't figure it out."

Armchair Expert: Bill Lawrence - Bill is a comedy writer on shows like Scrubs, Shrinking, and Ted Lasso. I really loved this conversation. It was light, entertaining, and endearing.

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Until next time!

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Welcome to your weekly inspiration, recommendations, and encouraging insights from your fellow sister seekers. A Note From Your Sister Seekers Hey, seekers! My husband was gone last weekend so I had the house to myself. I soaked up my alone time and watched A LOT of shows. I linked all the ones I enjoyed below :) I don't have much to share with you about my life right now. It's been pretty steady and boring. But, I'm not complaining. I've come to appreciate "boring" because I know it doesn't...

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Welcome to your weekly inspiration, recommendations, and encouraging insights from your fellow sister seekers. A Note From Your Sister Seekers Hey, seekers! I saw a post on LinkedIn this week that has been on my mind a lot. A woman wrote about how she just got back from spending a week on a yacht off the coast of some faraway island. She said it was her dream vacation and that she has helped all of her employees research their dreams and found that most of them cost on average between 3k-10k....